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UnFoRgEtAbLe sCeNe!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

it was abt 3.50pm yesterday. only bonda n me was at home. ive juz finish publishing my previous blog entry when suddenly bonda called me. "ooOooNoo! aisya!!" i was lyk.. wat?? i quickly rushed to the kitchen. i was surprise when i saw the fire was blazing from a pot. yeah, bonda mula2 bonda nk cairkan butter utk bikin kuih tart. den she went to the living 4 a while. bila dia balik dapur tu yang dia panggil aku. skejap je mende ni berlaku. hmm.. aku pon mcm blank seh. bonda plak panic button. mulut dia tk habis2 berkata2. yang pelik tu aku tk paham ape dia bebual. dia bercakap tapi dgr angin je keluar. haha. maybe dia nk hembus api at the same time nk cakap jugak kot. hehehe. api dah menyulap2. bonda try to kebut2 dgn kain tapi it doesn't help. then aku clearkn sink n she quickly put the pot in the sink. then again she try to kibas2 dgn kain lap pinggan. skali entah kenape kepala hotak aku ni gi kata gunakn air! haha. aku ni pon gunekn pipe sempret kat tmpat wudhuk. dgn tanpa segan silu dan penuh confidentnye,haha, aku sempreeettt kat api tu! hah kau, makin besar apinye sampai naik ke ceiling. aku trus blank seyy. api kat atas aku nie. my head was thinking only abt e cabinets. sempat aku kate, "habislaaa..dah la nk raye...". haha. api betul2 kat sebelah kiri n atas kepala aku. sekali aku terdgr, "sya! keluar!!". tersentak aku kejap. hmm, suare siape lagi kalo bukan bonda. hehe. aku pon lari kluar. terkene lah sikit serpihan api tu. but minor je. pastu aku teringat pasal fire blanket yang abg bawak balek 2 hari yg lepas. yah, luckily 2 days back abg got bring back the equipments for fire emergency. thank Allah... it was lyk planned lyk dat. rite? masyaAllah... ok2, return to da story. then i searched for the fire blanket. bila dah jumpa, nk kene pakai gunting pulak... luckily i remember sumwhere in the blue pencilbox got scissors. time aku tgh bukak, aku pelik tgk bonda. nape plak dia gi sane sini dgn fire extinguisher. mcm bantal peluk plak dibuatnya dia. haha. as usual, her mouth can't stop saying out things. hehehe. hah, fire blanket is out. cepat2 aku cover pot tu dgn fire blanket. den aku teringat lagi abg kate tutup rapat2 n jgn kasi oxygen masok. i did as what he reminds. alhamdulillah, apinye pon terpadam. erm, cuma bonda je bila nmpak asap masih panic button. dia angkat mende ala tu ke toilet. haha. pastu tu tgk2 mcm "suspicious article" hahaha. we tried to call abg but he no response. call punye call, oso no response... =( bonda plak suruh sms je. aku bukan ape. tgn aku tgh shivering. sbb tu aku tknk sms. haha. but bonda still nk jgak aku sms. haaa.. sms laa aku. hp pon nk jatuh2. haha. time kejadian tu, aku rase seram ade, kelakar ade curious ade, n plus++ lah. hehe. one best part is dat, bonda n me doesn't stop chanting the names of Allah. masyaAllah.. it happen juz within a few minutes. bOom! but afterall there was only minor damages.. masyaAllah....!! erm, bonda bila sembut name Allah je aku clear dgr. yg lain2 dia bebual aku lost sehh. hahaha. yeah, till now masih terbayang2 kejadian semalam. apinye macam lidah naga. hmm, nwe it was a good lesson to learn.. the pictures below are taken as evidence. haha.

the burnt sink

the walls.. (pinggan mangkuk tu dah cuci tauu. serak sbbkn api) hehe

burnt plugs. yang mende colour orange tu baruu je beli seminggu =D

there goes the ceiling. burnt!

the burnt butter wrapper. wasted man.. hmm

n the butter. can see? its black!!

the burnt pot. (actually i dunno wat does it called. so i juz call it pot) hehe

the white thing is the fire blanket. can use only once... haiya.. got to go buy again..

tu je pic nye.. amaciam? seramkn? imagine if u r the one in my n my mother's shoe. woOw...

pastu time buka puasa no appetie to eat man.. ceiling baru je paint. haiz.. kene paint lagi.. abg offer nk paintkn. yeah, painting looks simple, tapi bila nk bersihkan serpihan2 paint kat lantai tu yang aku bercinta!!! haiyoo... tkpelah, redho je. mesti ade hikmahnye.. insyaAllah.

LaSt LoG iN aT : 11:39 AM

hEr hEArT sPeAks

iGnOrAnCe dOeSn'T mAkE pErFeCt.
GiViNg uP sHoWs nO pRoFeSSiOnaL.
LiFe iS aLwAyS aBoUt tRiaL.
GoOd oR bAd tEaCh uS aLonG tHe wAy.
PaTiEnCe iS tHe kEy tO sUcCeSs...


[[*3 SiStAz*]]
[[*SiTi RohAni*]]
[[*KaK iZzAh*]]
[[*aKhiE aZhar*]]
[[*aL QadiRi*]]

9 dAyS tO RAYA~
iNtErEsTiNg GaMe
TiMe fLy sO fAsT...
ToDaY iS sAtuRdAy...
sLeEpY dAy~
iM gOiN cRwEeZiEe~
tHe uNpErFeCtiOnS..!
GeTtiNg eXciTeD
CuRi2 MaSe sKeT!

August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
April 2007