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CuRi2 MaSe sKeT!

Friday, September 29, 2006

hehehe. ade jgak time aku curik2 mase utk online. fuy~ penat tul kerek glue tu. skrg relek sket ah. tgn pun naik lenguh plus gigil2 nih. hahaha. hmmm.. aku lupe, sama ada aku dah tulis crite pasal laptop aku ke blom. hmmMmm.. nwe, ma laptop rupe2nye ade internal modem!!!! haha. slengz seh slamer 3 tahun pakai tk tahu yg ade internal modem ni. all e while pakai pasang external punye. haiz... the best thing is dat aku dapat ilham ni masa malam ramadhan. hehehe. masyaAllah!!! time tu aku tgh buat recording sampai tertido dgn laptop skali. ntah mcmne ntah aku tersadar n saw dis one blue light at the front of e laptop. hmmm.. aku pelik jgak tk pernah nmpak lampu ni slame ni. aku pon trus shut down ah the whole com and went bck to slp. den e nxt morning lepas sahur aku try on balek to check out e light. pusing punye pusing cukup time aku terfikir ni mesti the internal modem. when i tried, JeNg jEnG jeNg!! btol ah!! its the internal modem!!!! punye la happy aku tk terhingga! hahaha. now can carry my laptop without wires tagling around anymore~ wee!

now im thinking to bring laptop to skool. tapi bag baru aku tu kecik. hehe. kene bawak lain bag laa nmpaknye. tu pun tgk ah terdaya ke tak. hehe. maklumlaa... bulan puasa.... =P haha.

pasal beli buku tu insyaAllah dis sunday ayah antar aku gi sane. hMmm, syidah is coming along too. taklah solo2 aku beli buku kan. hehhehe. paiseh la nk beli sorng2. hehehe. paham2 jelahhh~ kuang3~ oklerr.. aku pon dah kehabisan kata2. perut pon rase lain mcm nih. bau byk sgt thinner n turpentine kot? heheheh. power~

LaSt LoG iN aT : 11:48 AM

hEr hEArT sPeAks

iGnOrAnCe dOeSn'T mAkE pErFeCt.
GiViNg uP sHoWs nO pRoFeSSiOnaL.
LiFe iS aLwAyS aBoUt tRiaL.
GoOd oR bAd tEaCh uS aLonG tHe wAy.
PaTiEnCe iS tHe kEy tO sUcCeSs...


[[*3 SiStAz*]]
[[*SiTi RohAni*]]
[[*KaK iZzAh*]]
[[*aKhiE aZhar*]]
[[*aL QadiRi*]]

gEt PiNk!
cOuNtiNg oN dAyS...
NaSi MeLeTuP!
Exams around the corner!!
1st eNtRy oF thE dAy

August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
April 2007