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iM gOiN cRwEeZiEe~

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

haha. crazy?? i tink so! 1st-ly i wanna rewind yesterday's day. haha. no time to blog yesterday coz many things to do den at nite got crite hikmah sumore.. must watch!! haha. nwe, yesterday syidah n me wore pink colour. everything pink!! haha. almost everyone miztook us. ustaz yg 1st like confuse. coz time tu sblom strt lesson aku ask ustaznye permission to photocopy da 1st chpter of hadis. hehe. buku lom beli~ den ustaz was like okay..tafadhol.. den he was like wanting to ask sumting again den he turn n i quickly turn back. den his face was like confuse. who is he talking to. haha. time tu syidah dah trus gi kat kak farhana to photocopy the book. hehe. kewl~ den lepas class i went to pay fees dgn kak farhana. den again she plak yang miztook us. she tot dat i am syidah. haha! best sehh.. 1 good thing being like this is dat org pon susah nk recognise kitorng. hehehe. so i can maintain with ma low profile~ cewaahhh! =P after skool we go buy books at jalan pisang there as usual... yeah.. so tiring man.. cuaca redup tapi bahang. fuy~ dugaan... dalam bus tido jelah. nk bual2 pon tkde mood. satu2 dah kepenatan! haha.den aku sampai rumah trus pakai reflexology to relax my legs n c'tinue my dreamland again. haha.

wokayz! abt todayz...~ 1st-ly in da morning after sahur i rushed to iron my clothes. its juz sumting dat tells me to wear green. den my dad sent me to e mrt intrchange. yeah.. save me from walking! haha. dalam mrt sumwhere after jurong i got a seat. hmm.. duduk brape minit je trus tertido. fuy~ sadar2 dah kat cityhall. rase mcm skejap je sehh. itu pon nk tertido2 lagi. aku tahan ah takot terlepas stop. haha. den sampai kembangan, time aku nk kluar mrt, hati aku berdebar kuat seh! aku terfikir siape plak yg nk terserempak aku plak nie... muka dah ronyok seribu bangon tido lagie... haha. ntah mcmne kat traffic light nk cross aku mcm terperasan org yg aku kenal. tapi aku tk tgk sgt ah. aku tgk depan je. den the kembangan plaza's show the person's reflexion. ade songkok.. baju biru..beg tepi...ya Allah! ustaz rupenye! haha. aku main jalan je. haha. sorilerr tak perasan...=P but then he walked outside kembangan plaza. aku standard ah mesti masok plaza tu. hehe. nk amek air-con.... =D
jalan punye2 jalan, skali jumpe lagi kat wisma indah. haha. apppeerraak..! took da same lift. telinga aku tgh sumbat dgn mp3. so aku senyap jelahh...sampailah ketingkat empat... hmm, lately tgk ustaz mcm nk ketawe je. well, he never wear songkok b4 except kalo ade occassion lah. hehe. maklumlah...bulan keinsafanlah katekan... haha. yeah, he wears the normal malay songkok. hmmm.. klakar lah. family aku pon jarang pakai songkok gituh. kalo songkok bulat biase adelah. hmmz, well masing2 punye citarase... yeah, enuff abt ustaz. haha. i was the second earliest person to reach class. solah was da 1st. dunno wat he's up to. agaknye lepas sahur trus gi skola kot? hahaha. ntah ah dia. saw him at the notice board. aku trus straight masok class. letak beg, kluarkn buku n den c'tinue landing. haha. ntah ek.. rase penatt je lately. after few minutes, i looked up. syidah was heading towards me. i was shocked! sejak bila kite plan nk pakai green same2?!? haha. dah org igt kitorng planning2 pakai baju same2. appeerraakk. padahal smalam plan nk pakai baju lain2 sehh. hmm.. nk buat mcmne.. takdir.. muahahaha. while waiting 4 ta'bir lesson, zahil masok class kitorng pastu crite2 pasal smalam a few of bdak2 laki2 ni gi mane ntah. main pool kehape gituhlah. i wasn't really listening to them at 1st. pastu diorng crite satu2 perangai klakar. ape ntah. e girls at the back pon strt to giggle. haha. nwe, ta'bir lesson was fun too. juz recap abt last sem's lesson n strt the 1st chpter. ustazah tadi pon crite2 sket lah. erm.. ape eh? lupe plak. time diorng tgh kecoh2 i was half-awake. haha. lepas revision tu rase mengantok plak. nwe, after istirahah we strt the 1st chpter 4 dis sem.
class ends at 11am. yabadabedoOo! time to go home!! haha. suke je nk balik. =P mula2 aku dgn syidah tgu bus pastu shairah pon join kitorng. mase tgh tgu tu, adelah satu bdak diploma ni.haha. syidah baru je bilang aku of wat she dreamt of last nite. haha. skali dia pon muncul. feewwiit! syidah dah paisey2. hahaha. yang si shairah plak suare kuat. dia kate "eh syidah! tu boyfren awk kan? hensemnye!" hahaha. padahal shairah mmg pon kenal bdak tu. saje je kacauu. haha. kesiann syidah... the perfect thing is dat, he wore green colour too! haiz syidah nie.. dah buat janji dgn org tak bilang aku! kan aku pon terpakai green! haha. well, it was unplaned.... no plans but perfections! ;p kewl~

okayz.. now i wanna catch a nap. till here!~

LaSt LoG iN aT : 1:41 PM

hEr hEArT sPeAks

iGnOrAnCe dOeSn'T mAkE pErFeCt.
GiViNg uP sHoWs nO pRoFeSSiOnaL.
LiFe iS aLwAyS aBoUt tRiaL.
GoOd oR bAd tEaCh uS aLonG tHe wAy.
PaTiEnCe iS tHe kEy tO sUcCeSs...


[[*3 SiStAz*]]
[[*SiTi RohAni*]]
[[*KaK iZzAh*]]
[[*aKhiE aZhar*]]
[[*aL QadiRi*]]

tHe uNpErFeCtiOnS..!
GeTtiNg eXciTeD
CuRi2 MaSe sKeT!
gEt PiNk!
cOuNtiNg oN dAyS...
NaSi MeLeTuP!
Exams around the corner!!
1st eNtRy oF thE dAy

August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
April 2007