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ToDaY iS sAtuRdAy...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

been 2 dayz since my last blogging. hmm..well, too tired lah. haze sumore... balek je trus tido.. tido tido tidooo... kat class tido, dlm bus tido, mrt tido, smpai rumah tido. tulah keje full time aku. hahhaa. well, i guess there must be some problems stressing me which i myself don't noe yet. ntahlah, ape ntah dalam kepala aku nie. rimas jgak kadang2. dada asek ketok kuat. terlebih kopi ke?? haha. nvrmind.. forget it.

nwe, last thursday ustaz nvr come. plus his lesson is in da morning sumore. i was halfway through da journey when siti sms me to tell me dat there is no morning class. haiyoOo! got so irritated man! dah la tgh puase2 nie. nasib puase. assobru ba'dho minal-iman... hahaha. call syidah plak dia pon tgh otw. mm.. senasib la tu.. haha. we juz cntinue our journey. haiz... sampai awal plak tu! kul 7.30 hah. hmm.. time tu ade siape ek.. hmm.. aku lupe plak. aku tahu aku lepak2 kat luar ah. takkn nk gi kedai kopi kan?? duduk2 jelah kat depan receptionist tu.. pastu yusef, nash, hassan n others datang... mane laa si syidah niee.. tgu punye tgu dia pon sampai... bdak2 yg dtg ni smua satu kes macam aku jgak lah ni. dapat information lambat. haha. tkpe... pasrah.. =P then kitorng pon masok class ah. tgu kat luar ctu boring je. abis dalam class buat ape? ahaha. boring..... tgk2 tingkap.. berbual.. pastu dah. cukup time siti pon datang... get her help to ask kak dhania to use the computer. hehehe. alhamdulillah.. boleh!! pastu ape lagi ceroboh ah!!! ahahaha. ceroboh kehape.. satu barang pon tkde.. den i searched for fahd kundury's recitation of juz amma. dah download smua... ape lagi?? buka besar2 ah!! time tu smua gerls je dlm class. da boys went to jalan pisang to buy books i tink. haha. best!! time tu ade aku, syidah, siti n faezan. fuh! hafal2... until abt 10 plus da boys dah balek. haiz... kacauu. hehehe. jgn mareh! =P then nxt lesson starts at 11.30am yeah it was ulum syariah. bab haji n umrah. hmm.. best jugak. insyaAllah kalo ade rezki aku nk gi umrah dulu baru haji. nabi pon buat mcm tu kan. hmm.. insyaAllah... then time balek, aku n syidah as usual nk arrange kerusi2. hehehe. pelajar tercontoh la katekan.. kwang3... =P mase baru bgn tu aku truz jengah tingkap. hehe. ntah ape ntah aku tgk. saje nk refreshment je. haha. den aku tak dgr sgt ape ustazah ckp. syidah yang balas cakap dia. bila aku toleh ke ustazah she was like smiling2. i was like hmm? with my grin. then she say, "patotlah same". hehe. den i catch wat she's saying. she's talking about our begs!! haha. ni dah yg keberape ye pple hav been noticing our begs. kewl~ otw to bustop, depan mejed kassim, bdak2 lelaki plak duduk ctu. haiz... yg faisal ni dah lah tk abish2 kacau kitorng "haa.. ustazah, ustazah" haha. dalam hati aku amien kan je. dunno y he lyk to say ustazah bila dia nmpak kitorng. hmm.. tapi tkpelah satu ucapan yg baik pon. tk salah.. insyaAllah amien...

yeah.. it was yesterday. 1st class was ta'bir. best plak class nih. tk mengantok pon. hehe. until 11.oo class ends. den start our coriculum at 11.30. cakap nk ade tadarus quran. cukup time the whole period abis kat information n briefing abt kids camp. bagus jgak laa.. for the coming kids camp faisal is the camp comander. oh my! he's a joker man. hahaha. confirm bdak2 smua nnti ketawe jee. haha. boleh laa.. then im the buddy for e head logistic. oh no.. kalo boleh balek malam ok ah. kalo tkleh balek, waaarrghh!! tak nk!! home sick man.. haha. nwe the venue is at west coast. nvr been there b4.. hmm.... try jelahh. insyaAllah..

haiyoz!! today got 2 invitations from pergas n darul arqam. but i cannot go.. =( nvrmind.. family come 1st. hehe. nk buka same2 wif ma family but abg hav to go werk.. *sobz*... the invitation frm pergas was abt the IMPIAN get together. bestnyer.. mix wif the luar negerinye bdak2 yang bakal jadi asatizah2 mcm kitorang. *ehemz2!* haha. datz wat they say wart.... =P but there goes my chance in meeting them..*sobz* ade disebalik hikmah.. oklahz.. got to clear the kitchen. haiz.. penatt nyerrr..... so sleepy.... so hazey!!!!!

LaSt LoG iN aT : 7:54 AM

hEr hEArT sPeAks

iGnOrAnCe dOeSn'T mAkE pErFeCt.
GiViNg uP sHoWs nO pRoFeSSiOnaL.
LiFe iS aLwAyS aBoUt tRiaL.
GoOd oR bAd tEaCh uS aLonG tHe wAy.
PaTiEnCe iS tHe kEy tO sUcCeSs...


[[*3 SiStAz*]]
[[*SiTi RohAni*]]
[[*KaK iZzAh*]]
[[*aKhiE aZhar*]]
[[*aL QadiRi*]]

sLeEpY dAy~
iM gOiN cRwEeZiEe~
tHe uNpErFeCtiOnS..!
GeTtiNg eXciTeD
CuRi2 MaSe sKeT!
gEt PiNk!
cOuNtiNg oN dAyS...
NaSi MeLeTuP!
Exams around the corner!!

August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
April 2007