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TiMe fLy sO fAsT...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

so fast sunday oredy... then so fast 5.19 oredy, later so fast time buka oredy!! haha. last nyte pegi mejed khair wif suhana n rohani. last minit planning. terigt on sat ade ceramah trus call na then set. haha. nasiblah sempat.. coz lepas asar my family n i set off to sheng shiong fuy.. belanje punye blanje sampai kul 6.45 seh! time azan kitorng tgh otw balek.. fuy.. 1st time kejadian ini berlaku. haha. nwe sampai rumah dlm kul 7.02 minit gitulah... datu sempat makan nasi lagik! hahahaha. gedebak gedebuk jumpe na n ani kul 7.55. janji kul 7.50! woopz! sowiee~ =P
nwe the ceramah was fun. ustaz saiful... ntah ape ek aku lupe name dia. hahakz! tgk dia teringat ustaz aqil seh. kewl~ dis is the singapore version. haha. the topic was about berlumba2 dalam beribadah di bulan ramadhan. erm, sumtin lyk dat lah the topic. i kinda forgot.. =P hehe. yeah, the ceramah gave me a wake up call. so very interesting. hmm... tot of goin for ceramah nuzul quran at mejed sultan today, but hav to help dad bukak carpet balcony.. hmm.. =(
nwe im hapi dat ma cats hav a spacious room for themselves! oklah got to help mom n sis siap2 buka now~ da!~

LaSt LoG iN aT : 5:20 PM

hEr hEArT sPeAks

iGnOrAnCe dOeSn'T mAkE pErFeCt.
GiViNg uP sHoWs nO pRoFeSSiOnaL.
LiFe iS aLwAyS aBoUt tRiaL.
GoOd oR bAd tEaCh uS aLonG tHe wAy.
PaTiEnCe iS tHe kEy tO sUcCeSs...


[[*3 SiStAz*]]
[[*SiTi RohAni*]]
[[*KaK iZzAh*]]
[[*aKhiE aZhar*]]
[[*aL QadiRi*]]

ToDaY iS sAtuRdAy...
sLeEpY dAy~
iM gOiN cRwEeZiEe~
tHe uNpErFeCtiOnS..!
GeTtiNg eXciTeD
CuRi2 MaSe sKeT!
gEt PiNk!
cOuNtiNg oN dAyS...
NaSi MeLeTuP!

August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
April 2007