RaYa rAyA dAn RAYA!! haha. it was on tuesday...
dalam tgh hari sket gituh kitorng start salam-salaman. owh... syahdunyer!!
nwe, kakak was the 1st one to start. den followed by.....

abg azmi!! owh.. im soOo tOuChed!
then followed

abg nur! bersungguh2 tuh! masyaAllah...
aNd.. Last bUt nOt LeAsT.... followed bY....................

ME!!!! haha. my mouth was filled with blank words. haha. dunno wat to say!
haiyoz~ juz show my teeth! hehehe. FiNaLLy my heart speak out n say, dad im sorrie~ with my teeth biting my lips. haha. appeeerrraaakk! then dad do some doa 4 me. thnx dad!! amien.. fi-dunia wal akhirah~

biG hug mummy!! luv u soOo much!
juz fweeling so touched at that tyme.*sobz*
insyAllah, may Allah lead us to be a better person in future n accept our good deeds.. amien!

kitorng bertolak lepas asar. the 1st house was rumah nyaimi. my dad was the one standing n nyaimi was half-laying down n the 1 sitting on the chair is my uncle, my father's younger brother. ;>

my brother sitting wif my cuzins..
can't hear wat they're talkin about =P

wokay! this pic on the right here is at my granfather's place. he's in white kurung. can see?? the other 2 are my uncles, my mother's elder n younger brother. then followed by my father... =)

these r the ladiez~ my mom is in black. sweet ladies~

time to eat!! i am in the middle of my cuzins. juz can't wait to taste the delicious food. food glorious food~!

makan jgn tak makan!! rugiee woiy~

saat2 yang semankin kecoh~ on e right r my young uncles n aunties. hehehe.

papap!! wahh.. soOo busy. got many2 "customer" oredy. hehehe.
meriah btol dirumah tokyah. masyaAllah. ramai sanak saudara mengunjung kerumahnya. sampaikn aku sendiri tkleh duduk dalam rumah. haha. panas beb. amek fresh-air kat luar. hehehe. dlm kul 11pm lebih gituh kitorng pon berangkat balek... fuy~ baru rumah tokyah dah rase penatnye. blom lagi gi byk rumah. fuh~