4th dAy RaYA
Monday, October 30, 2006
4th day of raya aku n classmate aku (perempuan sahaja) gi ziarah rumah ustaz. planning pagi2 gi rumah faezan, wani, k.dhania. but i couldn't make it in da morning. ade hal~ e nite b4 gi hospital coz atok sedara aku masok hospital. so pagi2 a little groggy plus kene settle kan sumting. nwe, alhamdulillah, got 2 go to ustaz's house n got to noe his family better. hehehe. syidah fetch me at tampines mrt stn n we go 2gether while the rest dari rumah kak dhania straight gi rumah ustaz. aku n syidah reach rumah ustaz abt 5.30pm lyk dat. sampai je, hehe, aku beri salam. aku dah macam mak senet seh. buat muke slumber jelah. nk buat mcmne kan? aku sampai je, ustaz jemput kitorng makan. woopz, waiting for me n syidah izzit?? hehehe. *star karatz* ustaz masak mee goreng. erm, there's a specified name fo the mee. but i 4got. hehehe. makan punye makan, akulah yang last nk abis. kwang3~ byk cerita plus kecoh. heheheh. *standardz*
lepas makan, some of the galz go pray. while waiting for them, aku crite2 sketlah dgn mak mentua n isteri ustaz n adik ipar dia jgak. wahh, best jgak ye. hehehe. crite punye crite, time to minta diri~ b4 goin home, isteri ustaz nk petik gambar dgn kitorng. hehehe.aku pon letak timer kat cam aku. dapatlah jgak amek 2gether-2gether. sblah aku tu mak mentua ustaz n nxt to her is isteri ustaz. erm, anak ustaz terselit tuh! hahaha. she veli cute lah. lyks to fall. hehehe.
lepas rumah ustaz, the galz nk gi my house. so we headed to my house. meriah jgak ah. kakak aku jadi camera woman nye. byk gambar dia petik. well, as usual, aku malas nk upload kat cni. kwekwekwe. nwe, i lyk one of the pic which is........

the *anggunz* haha. haiz.. bdak2 ni. pandai bergaya. smua pakai baju kurung. me? haha. aku pakai long pant suit. tk kene gaya seh aku nk gi jauh2 pakai baju kurung. kang nnti aku tersungkur habis hilang glamour aku. muahahaha =P
last but not least, my photo wif my twin!!...

even my sis said so. haha. soOo lyk wat lyk dat! haha. amaciamz? ade bakat masok anak solehah punye magazine tak? kwang3~ =P
oklah datz all for on dat day. the galz c'tinue their journey to syidah's house but i didn't. dah malam beb.. soo.. better not ah. nwe aku, na n yak insyaAllah plan nk gi rumah syidah. maybe dis coming friday insyaAllah. panjang umur murah rezki dapatlah jumpe mak syidah nntie~ =)
LaSt LoG iN aT : 1:24 PM
JuMp tO 3rD dAy oF rAya
Sunday, October 29, 2006
2nd day of raya i didn't go anywhere. help mom to clear a little mess n fold up a hill of clothes. haha. hill?? =P
so, on the 3rd day of raya was a the slumb3rgalz jalan raya day! weee~!

1st smua meet kat
rumah daya. aku sampai last. *standardz* star karatz. hahaha. ding dong! i pressed the bell. when yak open the door, i was shocked. do we plan to wear red?? wow!! rednye pon nk dekat2 same plak tuh! fuh! haha. berbual2 sket dgn mak daya sementara tgu daya siap2
dgn adik dia. the pic on the right was taken at yak's house. syidah, yak, na, me~
after dat, we headed to na's house~

we took LRT. sempat jgak berposing sket. aku tgh control tu. kekek seh. kat opposite kitorang ade satu LRT yang penuh passenger. syidah dah ketawe tkleh tahan dah. haha.
sampai rumah na, another shocking incident..

na's curtain n sarung bantal kerusi dia oso in red!!! ape lagi, aku yak n adik ain( adik yak) berpposing amek gambar ah! hahaha. wow~ boleh kene plak tuh merah2nye. tahun nie punye raya mmg byk merah-kemerahan lah. hehehe.

pastu yang na ni pon tak habis2 bercerita. byk tul cerita dia. dia
macam mak dalang dah aku tgk. hehehe.
haAaa.. iNi dia.. amaciamZ? anggunz lagi menawanz~! hahahaha =P ni lah dirumah suhana...
lepas rumah suhana igtkn nk gi rumah syidah, unfortunately tak sempat plak. syidah kene rush gi mengajar tuition. haiz.. then we change plan n go to my house. ani( adik na) pon ikut skali. makin meriah suasana. she the non-stop "hitz music". hehehe. maksud aku dia byk storie~ hehehe.
setiba dirumahku, erm tk lain tk bukan makan kuih jelah yerr.. kuikuikui. dari kiri, suhana, rohani, hidaya, ain. jemput makan~
shortly after isyak lyk dat, yak n her sister hv to make a move 1st. abgnye nk ajak diorang gi rumah "bakal kakak ipar" diorang. haha. cute seh. so, tgl aku, na n ani. byk gambar kitorng amek. tapi malas plak aku nk upload kat cni. hehehe. diantara satunye ialah....

buat masa skrg blom ade pic lagi. nnti2 lah aku update fotopage tu. wokayz, sebagai wakil dari slumb3rgalz, kami mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA!! ;)
LaSt LoG iN aT : 7:55 PM
1sT dAY RaYa

RaYa rAyA dAn RAYA!! haha. it was on tuesday...
dalam tgh hari sket gituh kitorng start salam-salaman. owh... syahdunyer!!
nwe, kakak was the 1st one to start. den followed by.....

abg azmi!! owh.. im soOo tOuChed!
then followed

abg nur! bersungguh2 tuh! masyaAllah...
aNd.. Last bUt nOt LeAsT.... followed bY....................

ME!!!! haha. my mouth was filled with blank words. haha. dunno wat to say!
haiyoz~ juz show my teeth! hehehe. FiNaLLy my heart speak out n say, dad im sorrie~ with my teeth biting my lips. haha. appeeerrraaakk! then dad do some doa 4 me. thnx dad!! amien.. fi-dunia wal akhirah~

biG hug mummy!! luv u soOo much!
juz fweeling so touched at that tyme.*sobz*
insyAllah, may Allah lead us to be a better person in future n accept our good deeds.. amien!

kitorng bertolak lepas asar. the 1st house was rumah nyaimi. my dad was the one standing n nyaimi was half-laying down n the 1 sitting on the chair is my uncle, my father's younger brother. ;>

my brother sitting wif my cuzins..
can't hear wat they're talkin about =P

wokay! this pic on the right here is at my granfather's place. he's in white kurung. can see?? the other 2 are my uncles, my mother's elder n younger brother. then followed by my father... =)

these r the ladiez~ my mom is in black. sweet ladies~

time to eat!! i am in the middle of my cuzins. juz can't wait to taste the delicious food. food glorious food~!

makan jgn tak makan!! rugiee woiy~

saat2 yang semankin kecoh~ on e right r my young uncles n aunties. hehehe.

papap!! wahh.. soOo busy. got many2 "customer" oredy. hehehe.
meriah btol dirumah tokyah. masyaAllah. ramai sanak saudara mengunjung kerumahnya. sampaikn aku sendiri tkleh duduk dalam rumah. haha. panas beb. amek fresh-air kat luar. hehehe. dlm kul 11pm lebih gituh kitorng pon berangkat balek... fuy~ baru rumah tokyah dah rase penatnye. blom lagi gi byk rumah. fuh~
LaSt LoG iN aT : 6:04 PM
UnFoRgEtAbLe sCeNe!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
it was abt 3.50pm yesterday. only bonda n me was at home. ive juz finish publishing my previous blog entry when suddenly bonda called me. "ooOooNoo! aisya!!" i was lyk.. wat?? i quickly rushed to the kitchen. i was surprise when i saw the fire was blazing from a pot. yeah, bonda mula2 bonda nk cairkan butter utk bikin kuih tart. den she went to the living 4 a while. bila dia balik dapur tu yang dia panggil aku. skejap je mende ni berlaku. hmm.. aku pon mcm blank seh. bonda plak panic button. mulut dia tk habis2 berkata2. yang pelik tu aku tk paham ape dia bebual. dia bercakap tapi dgr angin je keluar. haha. maybe dia nk hembus api at the same time nk cakap jugak kot. hehehe. api dah menyulap2. bonda try to kebut2 dgn kain tapi it doesn't help. then aku clearkn sink n she quickly put the pot in the sink. then again she try to kibas2 dgn kain lap pinggan. skali entah kenape kepala hotak aku ni gi kata gunakn air! haha. aku ni pon gunekn pipe sempret kat tmpat wudhuk. dgn tanpa segan silu dan penuh confidentnye,haha, aku sempreeettt kat api tu! hah kau, makin besar apinye sampai naik ke ceiling. aku trus blank seyy. api kat atas aku nie. my head was thinking only abt e cabinets. sempat aku kate, "habislaaa..dah la nk raye...". haha. api betul2 kat sebelah kiri n atas kepala aku. sekali aku terdgr, "sya! keluar!!". tersentak aku kejap. hmm, suare siape lagi kalo bukan bonda. hehe. aku pon lari kluar. terkene lah sikit serpihan api tu. but minor je. pastu aku teringat pasal fire blanket yang abg bawak balek 2 hari yg lepas. yah, luckily 2 days back abg got bring back the equipments for fire emergency. thank Allah... it was lyk planned lyk dat. rite? masyaAllah... ok2, return to da story. then i searched for the fire blanket. bila dah jumpa, nk kene pakai gunting pulak... luckily i remember sumwhere in the blue pencilbox got scissors. time aku tgh bukak, aku pelik tgk bonda. nape plak dia gi sane sini dgn fire extinguisher. mcm bantal peluk plak dibuatnya dia. haha. as usual, her mouth can't stop saying out things. hehehe. hah, fire blanket is out. cepat2 aku cover pot tu dgn fire blanket. den aku teringat lagi abg kate tutup rapat2 n jgn kasi oxygen masok. i did as what he reminds. alhamdulillah, apinye pon terpadam. erm, cuma bonda je bila nmpak asap masih panic button. dia angkat mende ala tu ke toilet. haha. pastu tu tgk2 mcm "suspicious article" hahaha. we tried to call abg but he no response. call punye call, oso no response... =( bonda plak suruh sms je. aku bukan ape. tgn aku tgh shivering. sbb tu aku tknk sms. haha. but bonda still nk jgak aku sms. haaa.. sms laa aku. hp pon nk jatuh2. haha. time kejadian tu, aku rase seram ade, kelakar ade curious ade, n plus++ lah. hehe. one best part is dat, bonda n me doesn't stop chanting the names of Allah. masyaAllah.. it happen juz within a few minutes. bOom! but afterall there was only minor damages.. masyaAllah....!! erm, bonda bila sembut name Allah je aku clear dgr. yg lain2 dia bebual aku lost sehh. hahaha. yeah, till now masih terbayang2 kejadian semalam. apinye macam lidah naga. hmm, nwe it was a good lesson to learn.. the pictures below are taken as evidence. haha.

the burnt sink

the walls.. (pinggan mangkuk tu dah cuci tauu. serak sbbkn api) hehe

burnt plugs. yang mende colour orange tu baruu je beli seminggu =D

there goes the ceiling. burnt!

the burnt butter wrapper. wasted man.. hmm

n the butter. can see? its black!!

the burnt pot. (actually i dunno wat does it called. so i juz call it pot) hehe

the white thing is the fire blanket. can use only once... haiya.. got to go buy again..
tu je pic nye.. amaciam? seramkn? imagine if u r the one in my n my mother's shoe. woOw...
pastu time buka puasa no appetie to eat man.. ceiling baru je paint. haiz.. kene paint lagi.. abg offer nk paintkn. yeah, painting looks simple, tapi bila nk bersihkan serpihan2 paint kat lantai tu yang aku bercinta!!! haiyoo... tkpelah, redho je. mesti ade hikmahnye.. insyaAllah.
LaSt LoG iN aT : 11:39 AM
Monday, October 16, 2006
how i wish i could turnback time. juz like the back to the future movie. haha. crapz. im juz trying to forget everything in the pass. yeah, if aniting dat makes me lose my memory, aku redho.. ape laa salah aku beb.. salah? fuy~ byk dah dosa. haha. apelaa aku niee.. haiz.. my head is all screwed up! -enuff abt dis-
well, dis morning was Hadis. wOw.. i love dis subject very2 much! lagi2 ustaz ajar. every detail dia terangkn. air mustakmal really exist? yeah in mahzab syafi'e. boleh ke digunakan utk ambil wudhuk? itu yang sedang dibahaskan. menurut hadis yang aku baru belajar tadi, Rasulullah saw menggunakan sebaldi air utk mengambil wudhuk. Baginda mencelup tangannya ke dalam baldi itu untuk mengambil air dah meratakan dibahagian anggota wudhuk. dari muka hingga kaki. hmm... so wats e conclusion? aku belom pergi tahap tinggi lagi dalam bab fiqh. yeah, dalam bab fiqh memang pon dikatakan air mustakmal tu tidak boleh digunakan untuk berwudhuk. so, waAllahu'alam... =)
LaSt LoG iN aT : 3:48 PM
9 dAyS tO RAYA~
Saturday, October 14, 2006
owh... so fast Ramadhan is goin to end... =( nwe, tadi pagi aku dah habis pasang smua langsir. fuh~ penatt sehh.. now abg azmi tgh drill balcony nak pasang bidai. haaa.. bisingGgg....! haha. sabar... kesian kucing2 kene masok cage. lepas zuhur tadi aku gi antar form part-time job kat mejed al-kair. hopefully i get the job amien, insyaAllah. =) hmm... not much today.. kemas2 sket.. tido.. haha. standard ah tu. kk, nnti aku update ah. ciowz~
LaSt LoG iN aT : 4:43 PM
iNtErEsTiNg GaMe
Friday, October 13, 2006
been 3 days not blogging. owh... miz it soOoo much!! nwe last tues n wed i never go skewl.. hmm, bonda saket.. so got to send her go clinic. hopefully she's cured.. amien insyaAllah. nwe, when i turn up on thurs, woW it surprised me by seeing only 7 pple in class! 5 gerls 2 boys. haha. kesiann ustaz.. dia pon layankn boring dia. haha. topic qiraah on dat day was abt cara2 bermusafir. in arab of course.. then macam2 ustaz punye idea. haha. ade ke aeroplane boleh masok laut pastu tembus tanah. hahahahaha. kekek seh! yeah, he was juz jokin. all the way man macam2 mepek2 lah boleh dikatekan. then pastu cakap pasal raya. ustaz tanye siape dah buat kuih raye, den tanye ah kuih ape? si solah ni plak gi jawab.."hah! KUIH tiow goreng!" hahaha. baik punya jawapan. yerlah tu. mula2 ustaz malas nk layan coz solah ni asek cakap2 je dahlah tu mepek2 plak tu. mane ade polis pakai pistol plastik? tukan crite x-men! den ape2 ntah lagi dia cakap. smua boring je dgr. cukup time bila dia cakap kuih tiow goreng tu, ustaz was like holding his breath utk tahan ketawe. cukup time dia terhembos ketawe jgak tkleh tahan dgn perangai solah. haha. yeah, then class dah habis but we still cn'tinue talking n talking... aku pon tak sadar time seh. not juz me but the whole class too. until ustazah buka pintu baru aku tk jam it was oredy 11.20! lagi 10 min ustazahnye lesson. haha. wat a day..
nari plak sblah pagi ustazahnye lesson. ta'bir.. smua kene kehadapan bina ayat. fuy~ bikin malu guek! dgn confidentnye aku sbenarnye nk tulis malabisiey.. cukup time aku tertulis balabisiey! hahaha. silap sehh! but nwe ustazah noes it was a mistake... haha. paisey2~ gedebak gedebuk we did group werk. the nxt lesson was co-co! haha.
yeah, kids camp is coming. so we've been divided into groups. well, im as usal always be in logistics.. haha. but this time around my groups seems boring man.. syahirah plak tak dtg tadi. yang dtg aku, sarah, wani, nash, rauf n farez. farez is the head of logistics n syahirah is the asst. im syahirah's buddy in logi n fuad is farez's buddy. haiyoz.. dunno wat to discuss man! i was like "duh"~ how i wish to be in the admin...... arrrggghh!! lagi2 the venue is going to be at PUNGGOL. so far!!!!!!!! haiz.. ntahlah ek.. ribut tul kepala aku. tgklah mcmne nnti..........
okayzlah, nk ready 4 buka~
LaSt LoG iN aT : 5:48 PM
TiMe fLy sO fAsT...
Sunday, October 08, 2006
so fast sunday oredy... then so fast 5.19 oredy, later so fast time buka oredy!! haha. last nyte pegi mejed khair wif suhana n rohani. last minit planning. terigt on sat ade ceramah trus call na then set. haha. nasiblah sempat.. coz lepas asar my family n i set off to sheng shiong fuy.. belanje punye blanje sampai kul 6.45 seh! time azan kitorng tgh otw balek.. fuy.. 1st time kejadian ini berlaku. haha. nwe sampai rumah dlm kul 7.02 minit gitulah... datu sempat makan nasi lagik! hahahaha. gedebak gedebuk jumpe na n ani kul 7.55. janji kul 7.50! woopz! sowiee~ =P
nwe the ceramah was fun. ustaz saiful... ntah ape ek aku lupe name dia. hahakz! tgk dia teringat ustaz aqil seh. kewl~ dis is the singapore version. haha. the topic was about berlumba2 dalam beribadah di bulan ramadhan. erm, sumtin lyk dat lah the topic. i kinda forgot.. =P hehe. yeah, the ceramah gave me a wake up call. so very interesting. hmm... tot of goin for ceramah nuzul quran at mejed sultan today, but hav to help dad bukak carpet balcony.. hmm.. =(
nwe im hapi dat ma cats hav a spacious room for themselves! oklah got to help mom n sis siap2 buka now~ da!~
LaSt LoG iN aT : 5:20 PM
ToDaY iS sAtuRdAy...
Saturday, October 07, 2006
been 2 dayz since my last blogging. hmm..well, too tired lah. haze sumore... balek je trus tido.. tido tido tidooo... kat class tido, dlm bus tido, mrt tido, smpai rumah tido. tulah keje full time aku. hahhaa. well, i guess there must be some problems stressing me which i myself don't noe yet. ntahlah, ape ntah dalam kepala aku nie. rimas jgak kadang2. dada asek ketok kuat. terlebih kopi ke?? haha. nvrmind.. forget it.
nwe, last thursday ustaz nvr come. plus his lesson is in da morning sumore. i was halfway through da journey when siti sms me to tell me dat there is no morning class. haiyoOo! got so irritated man! dah la tgh puase2 nie. nasib puase. assobru ba'dho minal-iman... hahaha. call syidah plak dia pon tgh otw. mm.. senasib la tu.. haha. we juz cntinue our journey. haiz... sampai awal plak tu! kul 7.30 hah. hmm.. time tu ade siape ek.. hmm.. aku lupe plak. aku tahu aku lepak2 kat luar ah. takkn nk gi kedai kopi kan?? duduk2 jelah kat depan receptionist tu.. pastu yusef, nash, hassan n others datang... mane laa si syidah niee.. tgu punye tgu dia pon sampai... bdak2 yg dtg ni smua satu kes macam aku jgak lah ni. dapat information lambat. haha. tkpe... pasrah.. =P then kitorng pon masok class ah. tgu kat luar ctu boring je. abis dalam class buat ape? ahaha. boring..... tgk2 tingkap.. berbual.. pastu dah. cukup time siti pon datang... get her help to ask kak dhania to use the computer. hehehe. alhamdulillah.. boleh!! pastu ape lagi ceroboh ah!!! ahahaha. ceroboh kehape.. satu barang pon tkde.. den i searched for fahd kundury's recitation of juz amma. dah download smua... ape lagi?? buka besar2 ah!! time tu smua gerls je dlm class. da boys went to jalan pisang to buy books i tink. haha. best!! time tu ade aku, syidah, siti n faezan. fuh! hafal2... until abt 10 plus da boys dah balek. haiz... kacauu. hehehe. jgn mareh! =P then nxt lesson starts at 11.30am yeah it was ulum syariah. bab haji n umrah. hmm.. best jugak. insyaAllah kalo ade rezki aku nk gi umrah dulu baru haji. nabi pon buat mcm tu kan. hmm.. insyaAllah... then time balek, aku n syidah as usual nk arrange kerusi2. hehehe. pelajar tercontoh la katekan.. kwang3... =P mase baru bgn tu aku truz jengah tingkap. hehe. ntah ape ntah aku tgk. saje nk refreshment je. haha. den aku tak dgr sgt ape ustazah ckp. syidah yang balas cakap dia. bila aku toleh ke ustazah she was like smiling2. i was like hmm? with my grin. then she say, "patotlah same". hehe. den i catch wat she's saying. she's talking about our begs!! haha. ni dah yg keberape ye pple hav been noticing our begs. kewl~ otw to bustop, depan mejed kassim, bdak2 lelaki plak duduk ctu. haiz... yg faisal ni dah lah tk abish2 kacau kitorng "haa.. ustazah, ustazah" haha. dalam hati aku amien kan je. dunno y he lyk to say ustazah bila dia nmpak kitorng. hmm.. tapi tkpelah satu ucapan yg baik pon. tk salah.. insyaAllah amien...
yeah.. it was yesterday. 1st class was ta'bir. best plak class nih. tk mengantok pon. hehe. until 11.oo class ends. den start our coriculum at 11.30. cakap nk ade tadarus quran. cukup time the whole period abis kat information n briefing abt kids camp. bagus jgak laa.. for the coming kids camp faisal is the camp comander. oh my! he's a joker man. hahaha. confirm bdak2 smua nnti ketawe jee. haha. boleh laa.. then im the buddy for e head logistic. oh no.. kalo boleh balek malam ok ah. kalo tkleh balek, waaarrghh!! tak nk!! home sick man.. haha. nwe the venue is at west coast. nvr been there b4.. hmm.... try jelahh. insyaAllah..
haiyoz!! today got 2 invitations from pergas n darul arqam. but i cannot go.. =( nvrmind.. family come 1st. hehe. nk buka same2 wif ma family but abg hav to go werk.. *sobz*... the invitation frm pergas was abt the IMPIAN get together. bestnyer.. mix wif the luar negerinye bdak2 yang bakal jadi asatizah2 mcm kitorang. *ehemz2!* haha. datz wat they say wart.... =P but there goes my chance in meeting them..*sobz* ade disebalik hikmah.. oklahz.. got to clear the kitchen. haiz.. penatt nyerrr..... so sleepy.... so hazey!!!!!
LaSt LoG iN aT : 7:54 AM
sLeEpY dAy~
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
yeah.. i was like the sleeping beauty the whole day. felt so sleepy!! infact till now... but my BIG heart still wants to do blogging. haiz... nwe, i was late 5 minutes this morning! aaarrrghhh.. hopefully ustaz never mark my attendace late. 5 mins only meh...
we had some group werk for qiraah. hmm... best jgak ah. hehe. then for ulum quran, ustazah juz flip through da 1st chapter. fuy~ i was really3 weak by then. tiap kali tgk buku trus terpejam mata. hahaha. den ustazah kasi 5 mins rest sblom strt tadribat seterusnye. ape lagi, baP! trus nyenyak sehh tido. haha. syidah woke me up after 5 mins. fuy! so refreshing!! trus mata besarr je. hehehe. time zuhor, i grabed a nap again. hmm.. but i was awaken by these boys goin in n out of da class.ntah ape2 jelahh bdak2 nih.. rimas aku. den tkleh nk tido aku pon baca lah what has gone through by ustazah. hehe. tertido kan so kene lah catch up balek. =P shortly after dat faezan pon masok.... bebual2 sket den da rest came. hmmm.. get back to lesson. hari ni plak class ends at 2.30pm. pastu tadi ade meeting sampai kul 4pm.... gedebak gedebuk sampai rumah kul 6pm... haiz, penatt tul hari nih.. tgk tv tadi pon tertido2..oklah, 2morow kene kluar awal lagie.. nasib dah gosok baju tadi. nk pack buku sket n den off to ma dreamland!!! woohooo!!
LaSt LoG iN aT : 11:31 PM
iM gOiN cRwEeZiEe~
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
haha. crazy?? i tink so! 1st-ly i wanna rewind yesterday's day. haha. no time to blog yesterday coz many things to do den at nite got crite hikmah sumore.. must watch!! haha. nwe, yesterday syidah n me wore pink colour. everything pink!! haha. almost everyone miztook us. ustaz yg 1st like confuse. coz time tu sblom strt lesson aku ask ustaznye permission to photocopy da 1st chpter of hadis. hehe. buku lom beli~ den ustaz was like okay..tafadhol.. den he was like wanting to ask sumting again den he turn n i quickly turn back. den his face was like confuse. who is he talking to. haha. time tu syidah dah trus gi kat kak farhana to photocopy the book. hehe. kewl~ den lepas class i went to pay fees dgn kak farhana. den again she plak yang miztook us. she tot dat i am syidah. haha! best sehh.. 1 good thing being like this is dat org pon susah nk recognise kitorng. hehehe. so i can maintain with ma low profile~ cewaahhh! =P after skool we go buy books at jalan pisang there as usual... yeah.. so tiring man.. cuaca redup tapi bahang. fuy~ dugaan... dalam bus tido jelah. nk bual2 pon tkde mood. satu2 dah kepenatan! haha.den aku sampai rumah trus pakai reflexology to relax my legs n c'tinue my dreamland again. haha.
wokayz! abt todayz...~ 1st-ly in da morning after sahur i rushed to iron my clothes. its juz sumting dat tells me to wear green. den my dad sent me to e mrt intrchange. yeah.. save me from walking! haha. dalam mrt sumwhere after jurong i got a seat. hmm.. duduk brape minit je trus tertido. fuy~ sadar2 dah kat cityhall. rase mcm skejap je sehh. itu pon nk tertido2 lagi. aku tahan ah takot terlepas stop. haha. den sampai kembangan, time aku nk kluar mrt, hati aku berdebar kuat seh! aku terfikir siape plak yg nk terserempak aku plak nie... muka dah ronyok seribu bangon tido lagie... haha. ntah mcmne kat traffic light nk cross aku mcm terperasan org yg aku kenal. tapi aku tk tgk sgt ah. aku tgk depan je. den the kembangan plaza's show the person's reflexion. ade songkok.. baju biru..beg tepi...ya Allah! ustaz rupenye! haha. aku main jalan je. haha. sorilerr tak perasan...=P but then he walked outside kembangan plaza. aku standard ah mesti masok plaza tu. hehe. nk amek air-con.... =D
jalan punye2 jalan, skali jumpe lagi kat wisma indah. haha. apppeerraak..! took da same lift. telinga aku tgh sumbat dgn mp3. so aku senyap jelahh...sampailah ketingkat empat... hmm, lately tgk ustaz mcm nk ketawe je. well, he never wear songkok b4 except kalo ade occassion lah. hehe. maklumlah...bulan keinsafanlah katekan... haha. yeah, he wears the normal malay songkok. hmmm.. klakar lah. family aku pon jarang pakai songkok gituh. kalo songkok bulat biase adelah. hmmz, well masing2 punye citarase... yeah, enuff abt ustaz. haha. i was the second earliest person to reach class. solah was da 1st. dunno wat he's up to. agaknye lepas sahur trus gi skola kot? hahaha. ntah ah dia. saw him at the notice board. aku trus straight masok class. letak beg, kluarkn buku n den c'tinue landing. haha. ntah ek.. rase penatt je lately. after few minutes, i looked up. syidah was heading towards me. i was shocked! sejak bila kite plan nk pakai green same2?!? haha. dah org igt kitorng planning2 pakai baju same2. appeerraakk. padahal smalam plan nk pakai baju lain2 sehh. hmm.. nk buat mcmne.. takdir.. muahahaha. while waiting 4 ta'bir lesson, zahil masok class kitorng pastu crite2 pasal smalam a few of bdak2 laki2 ni gi mane ntah. main pool kehape gituhlah. i wasn't really listening to them at 1st. pastu diorng crite satu2 perangai klakar. ape ntah. e girls at the back pon strt to giggle. haha. nwe, ta'bir lesson was fun too. juz recap abt last sem's lesson n strt the 1st chpter. ustazah tadi pon crite2 sket lah. erm.. ape eh? lupe plak. time diorng tgh kecoh2 i was half-awake. haha. lepas revision tu rase mengantok plak. nwe, after istirahah we strt the 1st chpter 4 dis sem.
class ends at 11am. yabadabedoOo! time to go home!! haha. suke je nk balik. =P mula2 aku dgn syidah tgu bus pastu shairah pon join kitorng. mase tgh tgu tu, adelah satu bdak diploma ni.haha. syidah baru je bilang aku of wat she dreamt of last nite. haha. skali dia pon muncul. feewwiit! syidah dah paisey2. hahaha. yang si shairah plak suare kuat. dia kate "eh syidah! tu boyfren awk kan? hensemnye!" hahaha. padahal shairah mmg pon kenal bdak tu. saje je kacauu. haha. kesiann syidah... the perfect thing is dat, he wore green colour too! haiz syidah nie.. dah buat janji dgn org tak bilang aku! kan aku pon terpakai green! haha. well, it was unplaned.... no plans but perfections! ;p kewl~
okayz.. now i wanna catch a nap. till here!~
LaSt LoG iN aT : 1:41 PM
tHe uNpErFeCtiOnS..!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
yeah.. there goes ma books.. so much of ma perfections in da last min. the bookshop was close juz now. aaaarrrrgggh!! feel like wasting of time n PETROL goin there. haiz...
nwe, last nite had given me a sudden heart attack when sulas called to inform dat tokyah is sick. fuy~ we all rush there. alhamdulillah nutin happen. when we reach there he was laying down very weak while adeq was giving a massage on his feet. abt half an hour later the doctor came. i couldn't do anything except reciting the quran. alhamdulillah dis morning sulas says he can talk2 abit. yeah.. old pple r always weak. pity my grandfather... last nite dad was having his slight ghout too. dat was a double worries plus mom is not feeling well. n overall is triple worries. im so stressed!! but now alhamdulillah dad is getting better. but mom as usual... Oh Allah, pls grant my parents healthiness n wealthiness.. Amien..
anyway.. apart of my worries, im glad i have sumting in return too. which is......

ma cert for the musabaqah!!! hahaha. cert of participation only... =P it was in da letter box. i went to check it dis evening to find mackie's chain. i was surprise when i found a big envelope with ma name written on it. woW~ haha. nwe, the grey colour thing ive got to cencored it for my on secure. haha. =P
oklahz, till here i wanna get ready ma things for tomorow. n help bonda to cook for sahur.. *yawnz*!
LaSt LoG iN aT : 8:21 PM