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GeTtiNg eXciTeD

Saturday, September 30, 2006

haha. LusA dah buka skola................ bsok baru nk gi beli buku. haha. smua slalu last min. biaselaa.. its always da last min makes everything perfect! ;>
smalam fuad pm aku kat msn. dia kata dia dah ade time-table n buku. wahh... kiasu wooo. hahaha. woopz! nwe, aku tanye dia ah on monday siape punye lesson. dia kata ustaznye lesson n he'll be teaching us hadis on dat day. rase best ade, rase takot pon ade. hmm.. ustaz nye lesson best tapi kalo nnti dia set paper utk exam susahh gillerr... dah lah bahasa arab aku terkial2! haha. tkpelah, sem ni aku nk open a new book. insyaAllah. bLaJa bLaJa dAn bErLaJaR tAk tERhiNgGa!! hahaha. semangatz.. cukup time nnti buka skola lemah semangat. hahahaha. subject smua susah2. haiz.. na'uzubillah...

insyaAllah kite cari ilmu sebagai suatu amal dan juga untuk beramal. setiap amalan itu ialah dari niat. dan niat itu adalah dari hati yang bersih. macamne nk dapat hati yg bersih? hmm.. no one's perfect. so hati yg bersih ialah datangnye dari ilmu. tanpa ilmu kite beramal itu bahaya. SILAP2 kite beramal BUKAN kerana IMAN tetapi kerana NAFSU. na'uzubillah. so ma frenz... smoga segala ilmu yg kita ketahui dalam segi ukhrawi mahupun duniawi diberkati Allah selalu...

LaSt LoG iN aT : 10:36 AM

CuRi2 MaSe sKeT!

Friday, September 29, 2006

hehehe. ade jgak time aku curik2 mase utk online. fuy~ penat tul kerek glue tu. skrg relek sket ah. tgn pun naik lenguh plus gigil2 nih. hahaha. hmmm.. aku lupe, sama ada aku dah tulis crite pasal laptop aku ke blom. hmmMmm.. nwe, ma laptop rupe2nye ade internal modem!!!! haha. slengz seh slamer 3 tahun pakai tk tahu yg ade internal modem ni. all e while pakai pasang external punye. haiz... the best thing is dat aku dapat ilham ni masa malam ramadhan. hehehe. masyaAllah!!! time tu aku tgh buat recording sampai tertido dgn laptop skali. ntah mcmne ntah aku tersadar n saw dis one blue light at the front of e laptop. hmmm.. aku pelik jgak tk pernah nmpak lampu ni slame ni. aku pon trus shut down ah the whole com and went bck to slp. den e nxt morning lepas sahur aku try on balek to check out e light. pusing punye pusing cukup time aku terfikir ni mesti the internal modem. when i tried, JeNg jEnG jeNg!! btol ah!! its the internal modem!!!! punye la happy aku tk terhingga! hahaha. now can carry my laptop without wires tagling around anymore~ wee!

now im thinking to bring laptop to skool. tapi bag baru aku tu kecik. hehe. kene bawak lain bag laa nmpaknye. tu pun tgk ah terdaya ke tak. hehe. maklumlaa... bulan puasa.... =P haha.

pasal beli buku tu insyaAllah dis sunday ayah antar aku gi sane. hMmm, syidah is coming along too. taklah solo2 aku beli buku kan. hehhehe. paiseh la nk beli sorng2. hehehe. paham2 jelahhh~ kuang3~ oklerr.. aku pon dah kehabisan kata2. perut pon rase lain mcm nih. bau byk sgt thinner n turpentine kot? heheheh. power~

LaSt LoG iN aT : 11:48 AM

gEt PiNk!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

hAiYoZ! today ma last day to stay online. ape lagi! abis2kan ah! ahahaha. hmm.. bsok dah kene strt big project. project?? wat project?? haha.. project rumah.. ape lagi? tu haa.. nk kerek glue yg depan bilik2 atas tu haa.. pastu nk buat laundary lagi. fuy~ blom abok2 yg antik lagi nie. hahaha. tkpe insyaAllah.. Zup zUp zuP! gerenti bersih~! =P hehe.

tadi dlm kul 12 gituh sempat jgak ayah antar aku gi geylang. hehehe. buat pe?? beli baju!!! weee~ dis year's theme is gonna be.......PINK!!!! yahOOoOo! hahaha. aku beli baju kurung coz bonda suruh and belikn baju abg skali. last yr green. dis yr pink. hehehe. den ma sis juz came bck frm werk ard 7pm n saw ma baju. she was like..wOoOOooW! kebetulan dia pon ade baju seakan2 baju aku warna pink jgak. hahaha. best ah gini. tinggal nnti carikkn baju utk abg azmi je. warna? PINK la ape lagi??!? hahaha. best3 ah. then ma parents gonna wear black.maybe? the leaders of the family la katekan.. hehe. insyaAllah, same2 kita dapat menempuh perjuangan di bulan yang mulia ini dan dapat meraikn hari kemenangan yg dinanti2kan. insyaAllah!! amienn..

bsok.... got to go Granada. buy books n get the time-table. hmm.. mcmne nk buat poject rumah ek?? aduh... aku luper plak.. haiyoz.. nvrmind. later c how lah.. harap2 abg dapat antar aku. hehehe. insyaAllah amieeennn. =D Lamer tk naik motor. hehe. ade chance nih.

oklahh, aku skrg nk siap2kn antar sahur abg kat station dia.

LaSt LoG iN aT : 7:59 PM

cOuNtiNg oN dAyS...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

5 more days my holiday is goin to end. waaahhh! so fast! hmm.. skrg ni shiok relek2 kat rumah. nnti buka skola, haaa abis laa.. confirm busy gillerr... lagi2 nk rayer lagi. mesti ade outing. maybe..

nwe yang dinanti2kan ni ialah 1st day of skool nnti. guess wat?? well, my "twin" n me is goin to wear everything da same! hahaha. best nie. dah planning punye planning nk confuse kan org. hahaha. fuy... tk sabar laa.. last sem, e last day of skool, aku dgn syidah gi beli beg pink same2. haha. den dis coming monday we're goin to wear turqoise colour. weeeee~ beg same baju same nasib muke lain sket. hehehe.

hmm, nnti ade bdak baru lagi ke tak eh? kalo ade, siape ek?? khekhekhe =D

LaSt LoG iN aT : 1:10 PM

NaSi MeLeTuP!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

bOoM! eArLy this morning, a glass plate of rice explode! haha. dat time my mom n i was preparing for pre-breakfast(sahur). terkejutz giller aku. dekat plak tu dgn pinggan tu. aku baru je buat air n was heading towards the sink. wat makes it explode?? no idea... maybe b'coz of the plate is wet n the rice is very3 hOt. hmmm... syukurlah blom ade org lagi time tu. imagine kalo siape2 duduk dekat dgn pinggan tu. nauzubillah.... ya Allah..
bits of glasses sprinkle around the kitchen floor. haiz..pagi2 dah kene pegang sapu. haha. takpelah, aku percaya mesti ade hikmah dgn kejadian itu. =)

-MusLiMaH piCnIc-
iT wAs FUN!! haha. aku yg kene jage bdak cukup time bdak2 jage aku! hahaha. best sey.. never in my life dapat buat sandcastle! skali dapat buat 2 sandcastle skali! 1 is for slumbergalz n e other for the muslimah team. haha. best3! smuaorng mandi air. aku?? mandi pasir! haha. abis baju aku smua. pasir je. abt 3.30pm gituh we headed towards mejed kampung siglap. waited until after asar then we went home. hmm.. best gituh mcm nk gi lagi! haha. kulit dah gelap nie mcm bangla. hahaha. nnti aaa lepas puasa, aku nk plan slumbersash galz picnic!!! insyaAllah... hehehe =D

insyaAllah, slumbersash galz akan membuka gerai di pasar malam. hehe. nk cari experience meniaga... sunnah kan. =D bsok insyaAllah aku try servey2 ah tmpat yg terdekat. igtkn lepas picnic hari tu n cari, tapi ape kan daya.. tk larat.. op naik bengkak. hehehe. picnic tk terhingga! skrg okay lah sket. dah boleh angkat2 brg. haha.

wokayz! datz all for now, whoever got to read dis, pls pray for us(slumbersashGalz) in looking forward 4 our bussiness aite! take care!!

LaSt LoG iN aT : 9:57 AM


Thursday, September 14, 2006

yeah finally everything is over. my exams n musabaqoh. n most importantly my blog skin!!! yeah~ finally got to extreme makeover. hehe. now can enjoy a little bit b4 starting to fast. tk lame lagi woiy.... heheh. but nxt wk on 22sept ade muslimah picnic. aku n syidah programmer nye. heheheh. amek ah korng! confirm penat giller... muahahaha *evil laugh* =P tkdelah, insyaAllah its gonna be exciting. ;) n aku harap daya n na can come along aaa... boleh la kite buat slumbergalz day out jgak. =) oklah insyaAllah...

LaSt LoG iN aT : 10:31 PM

hEr hEArT sPeAks

iGnOrAnCe dOeSn'T mAkE pErFeCt.
GiViNg uP sHoWs nO pRoFeSSiOnaL.
LiFe iS aLwAyS aBoUt tRiaL.
GoOd oR bAd tEaCh uS aLonG tHe wAy.
PaTiEnCe iS tHe kEy tO sUcCeSs...


[[*3 SiStAz*]]
[[*SiTi RohAni*]]
[[*KaK iZzAh*]]
[[*aKhiE aZhar*]]
[[*aL QadiRi*]]

kind of sleepy but still 1 2 write abit =)
4th dAy RaYA
JuMp tO 3rD dAy oF rAya
1sT dAY RaYa
UnFoRgEtAbLe sCeNe!
9 dAyS tO RAYA~
iNtErEsTiNg GaMe
TiMe fLy sO fAsT...
ToDaY iS sAtuRdAy...

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