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Exams around the corner!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

hmm.. aku rase stakat di sini jelah decoration aku on this blog. backgroundnye asek buat hal je. exam nk kat dtg so aku tkleh la online sgt. nk blajaaa woiy.... blog ni entah blog yg keberapa dah aku buat. haha.

hmm... of all skool, i do enjoy my current skool.. which is.... al-zuhrie!! have gone through the ups n dwns. tapi best ah. classmate aku pon smua satu kepala. haha. dats the best thing. i really loves my classmates lotz! gaduh mcm mane pon mesti baik punyee.. tapi nxt yr ntahlah eh.. kalo satu2 kene kluar negeri.. boring ah... haha. tkpe2, tholabal 'ilm yg penting! ;>
aku igt pesan ustaz aku. heheh. yah.. he's really like a father n fren to us. his looks give us the warmthness in e heart. caya la! haha. tapi tul ah.. dialah inspiration aku as a motivator. not juz me but everyone. =)

last 2 days i went 4 my eng oral. wahh.. byk supporters aku. heheh. insyaAllah, i won't put the supports to waste. ive done my best n the examiners looks fine~ weee.. hopefully ah..

syidah is my best partner in skool. everywhere we go, mcm ade glue gitu. bdak2 class lain pon dah cap kitorng "kembar". haha. kadang pakai baju same2. haha. dari blakang orang pon confuse. best tuu.. susah org nk cam kitorng. but she's more cleverer than me ah. i take it as a good challenge. last sem she got all A in her subjects n me, got all A n 1 B. =) must study harder. but dunno this sem can make it or not... byk subject susah2...waaaaa!! feel like crying!

okaylah, got to study now....

LaSt LoG iN aT : 4:12 PM

1st eNtRy oF thE dAy

Friday, August 11, 2006

okay..there will be more upcoming exciting abt my skool n my life! this blog is under construction for now. thank u!

LaSt LoG iN aT : 4:23 PM

hEr hEArT sPeAks

iGnOrAnCe dOeSn'T mAkE pErFeCt.
GiViNg uP sHoWs nO pRoFeSSiOnaL.
LiFe iS aLwAyS aBoUt tRiaL.
GoOd oR bAd tEaCh uS aLonG tHe wAy.
PaTiEnCe iS tHe kEy tO sUcCeSs...


[[*3 SiStAz*]]
[[*SiTi RohAni*]]
[[*KaK iZzAh*]]
[[*aKhiE aZhar*]]
[[*aL QadiRi*]]

kind of sleepy but still 1 2 write abit =)
4th dAy RaYA
JuMp tO 3rD dAy oF rAya
1sT dAY RaYa
UnFoRgEtAbLe sCeNe!
9 dAyS tO RAYA~
iNtErEsTiNg GaMe
TiMe fLy sO fAsT...
ToDaY iS sAtuRdAy...

August 2006
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